As a second language learner (Intermediate to advance level)

Basic Features of The Courses:
Join individually or group class online.
Easy and short steps to improve your Urdu language skills.
Improve your Urdu skills sitting at home.
Improve all four skills of Urdu language.
Enrich yourself from the flexibility of the course. You can design your course as per your requirements or research interest.
Enrich yourself from the skills of Indian Urdu linguists and scholars.
Online Urdu Learning Program
Urdu as a Second Language is designed for beginners who wants to learn Urdu language. Besides those who already have a working knowledge of the language and further want to improve their understanding of the language can hone their skill here. Through the online course, learners could gain an understanding of how to use Urdu effectively in the day to day interaction with the native speakers. The syllabus focuses on all four aspects of communications: reading, writing, listening and speaking. Through this Online Urdu Learning Program learners can achieve a level of practical communication ideal for everyday use, which can also form the basis for further, more in-depth language study.
Urdu as a medium of practical communication is aimed for those learners whose Urdu is not a first language/mother tongue but a lingua franca or language of study.

Online Urdu courses to suit
your learning style

Online Urdu courses to suit
your learning style

Online Urdu Course as per your need
Pay Attention
Before the start of Online Urdu course, we will check the ability of the students for two or three introductory classes for free. Formal classes will begin according to their ability and skills.
آن لائن کورس کی ابتد اسے قبل طلبہ و طالبات کی صلاحیت کا اندازہ کرنے کے لیے دو یا تینمفت تعارفی کلاسیز ہوں گے ۔ ان کی صلاحیت کے مطابق ہی آگے کے کورسیز شروع کیے جائیں گے۔
توجہ دیں
Course Details
نصاب کی تفصیلات

Online Urdu Beginners Course
آن لائن اردو ابتدائی کورس
Emphasis is to ensure the students to learn the script (vowels & consonants) and grammar from the very beginning. While learning the script a few words of daily usage will also be introduced. At this stage we will motivate students to learn more vocabularies for their needs.
Details of the course
This course has been divided into five stages for the convenient of the learners. Each stage has a special focus on the learning methodology.
At the very beginning we will start the class with the script (sound system). Once the student is well versed and confident about the script, we will proceed towards conjugation and ensure that students are able to write simple and complicated words. If the students shows the necessary skill after certain classes to move further, we will introduce the grammatical aspects. Hence ward the students will be able to communicate both orally and in writings. This will be the demarcation line of completing the basic course.
For further details students have to register themselves to get information about the course and fee structure.
Registration is required (three free classes are included in it)

Online Intermediate Urdu Learning (Communications Skills)
آن لائن اردو ثانوی سطح
Details of the course
This course has been divided into three stages. Each stage has a special focus on the learning methodology and covers different aspects of learning.
Moving from beginners to intermediate level, we will make sure that students are able to read, write simple words, sentences and communicate five to ten sentences randomly on any topic. This will guarantee that student is capable to move further.
For further details students have to register themselves to get information about the course and fee structure.
Registration is required (three free classes are included in it)

Online Advance Urdu Learning
آن لائن ایڈوانس اردولرننگ
Details of the course
This course is meant for those students who are confident both orally and in writing. The students are expected to speak, read and write without any hesitation. We will make sure that the interest of the students are enhanced to the extent that the students get maximum advantage of learning under this category.
For further details students have to register themselves to get information about the course and fee structure.
Registration is required (three free classes are included in it)

Design your course as per your need
اپنی ضرورت کے مطابق اپنا کورس طے کریں
Details of the course
Design a course that caters to your need. You can choose your own level and modify it in a way that suits you. If you want to curate a special course for yourself, you can also talk to one of our experts who will guide you with the same.
In this course those students are eligible who can speak their mind in front of the expert/linguist/teacher/instructor. Student will be expected to write at least some of their thoughts on the paper.
For further details students have to register themselves to get information about the course and fee structure.
Registration is required (three free classes are included in it)
Course Fee
Online Urdu Beginners Course
Cost for stage :01 ........... 180 USD
Cost for stage :02 ........... 350 USD
Cost for stage :03 ........... 350 USD
Cost for stage :04 ........... 180 USD
Cost for stage :05 ........... 10 USD/ Per Hour
Online Intermediate Urdu Learning (Communications Skills)
Cost for stage :01 ........... 90 USD
Cost for stage :02 ........... 270 USD
Cost for stage :03 ........... 90 USD
Online Advance Urdu Learning
Cost for stage :01 ........... USD 18 per hour
Design your course as per your need
Cost for stage :01 ........... USD 18 per hour
For more Details about Courses, Please Register and login
Process To Join The Courses

Step 01
Register yourself for live classes.

Step 02
After login select your level of course.

Step 03
If you are not sure consult us and decide your level and get a free demo class.

Step 04
Choose your course and pay the course fee.